Tears of Succubus, 撒克巴斯的淚水,2024
hand-carved and painted limewood, stainless-steel, Metaplexis japonica seeds
118 x 288 x 210 cm 
Photo © Andrea Rossetti

In a precarious balance, a fictional copulation seems to be taking place between a male and female praying mantis. The penetration of the female’s abdomen is responded by the foreseeably brutal, post-mating devouring of the male mantis, an act reminiscent of the succubus – a demon in female form who seduces and drains sleeping men – which the work is named after. Lifting this scene of sexual cannibalism are light feathery seeds inserted onto the back of the female mantis, as if letting out a sigh of lament as she (involuntarily) ingests her lover. When taken out of their shell, these seeds’ soft bristles burst out in an uncontrollable and irreversible expansion of vigor. It is as if libido has taken over their body, a desire that threatens to rupture the border between the bodies.